Forum Discussion

ZanirN7S's avatar
Rising Rookie
8 days ago

Mod loadout cap is too low at 200

The limit is 200 loadouts. We are closing in on having 300 characters in the game and I don't think you guys (CG) are going to stop releasing new ones. Then there's remodding for raids, TB, TW.  Mod loadout cap needs to be doubled, at minimum

The datacache cap was doubled from 30 to 60mln a while ago and that was a fantastic QOL change. Mod loadout cap need a similar change. 

  • Disruptor92's avatar
    Seasoned Novice

    No offense, but why would you need THAT many mod loadouts? 100-150 should easily be enough to cover all game modes, especially since there might be some overlaps where you can save a few loadout spots here and there. I don't know a single person that has hit the 200 loadout mark. In fact, I didn't even know there was a limit. Just because we have 300 characters in the game, doesn't mean every single one needs a loadout. Half of those characters are barely even used anyway, so you don't even need loadous for those. There's ways to be more efficient with mod management, so if 200 seems to not be enough for you, it's more likely a management (you) problem than the game's. Now if we had 500-600 characters, you'd have a point, but as of now there's absolutely no need for it imo. Maybe a few years down the road it will be an issue and will be addressed by CG.

    • Tenebrae-3626's avatar
      New Adventurer

      I agree. I try to make all my mods as permanent and widely usable as possible. The only time I actually swap mods and use loadouts is for JG unlocks. Example, I'm finally ready for the BKM event in terms of requirements and zetas, but my mods may not be the best, so I'm willing to put my GL mods on them for a while. I'd rather not have to spend even more time on the game than I have to, considering there's also TB, TW, GAC, Conquest, UJ, regular farms, etc. A few of my guildmates feel the same way.

      Now, obviously, my situation and feelings aren't the same as everyone else's. But still, I just have a hard time imagining anyone needing so many loadouts. Especially since almost half the characters are either borderline useless in battle (I doubt anyone has several loadouts for Ugnaught or Jedi Consular) or not as useful as they once were (look at Darth Maul for example, name at least one game mode aside from the temporary Naboo raid where he is an important/useful part of the team). I understand that some players may be competitive and therefore feel that they need to constantly remod characters for them to be useful, but this is just imo a lower priority issue compared to other things - DC-induced power creep (Great Mothers being able to trounce GLs with ease in any area), lagging (especially because of Gungans or Tuskens), too many game modes running at the same time, missing buttons bug, the numerous other bugs in raids or TBs or wherever else, cheating (hasn't happened to me yet, just going by a few recent threads), etc.

      • ZanirN7S's avatar
        Rising Rookie

        DMaul lead is useful for stealth feats in some GCs. He's also a pilot in the Leviathan fleet for the Lev mirror match. 

        "I understand that some players may be competitive and therefore feel that they need to constantly remod characters for them to be useful"

        translation: I don't care about it so it's not an issue

    • Whatelse73's avatar
      Seasoned Adventurer

      That's a good question, but there are 275 characters.  That alone should mean 300 mod loadouts, one for each character and a few extra.  I have multiple mod loadouts for characters based on what they are doing.  They have a "normal" set, a TB set, and a Raid set.  Even with the specific characters we use for the Raid, that's 40 mod loadouts right there.  Then for TB, there are missions that require you to swap mods and even if it's for 10 characters, that's 20 more mod loadouts.

      Those mods aren't coming off just 5 or 6 characters.  I have mods coming off 6 different characters for each character I'm using in the TB (That's another 35 loadouts for the Reva mission, and about 15 more for the Zeffo unlock mission.)  Then, I have to put all those mods back, plus return the normal set to the character I swapped mods on to.  It adds up.

      It wasn't a big deal when we were sub 200 characters and we didn't have so many "intracacies" in TB, Raid, even some specific events that require remodding.  Upping it to 300 should be a starting point.  Especially if they're going to keep releasing 5-10 characters a year, or more.  Good question though!

    • ChristianIbsen's avatar
      Seasoned Newcomer

      So because it is not a problem for you, then it can't be a problem for others? 

      It could be that OP is actually playing better because he is even more effecient with his mods. 

  • Whatelse73's avatar
    Seasoned Adventurer

    We've been saying this for well over a year, at least.  It's as if they're still trying to figure out how to monetize it before giving us an increase. 

    If it's not "easy" then they should at least say that and why.  Instead we just get silence, same as many other QoL requests of players.