Even building a "jedi" team with Luminara as lead doesn't mean squat. If you don't get the perfect blue buff order on the leader, you might as well restart and try again. Even with my GL mods added to the whole team, it's worthless and useless.
Whoever created this pile of garbage probably also came up with datacrons. "Hey, let's add more RNG to the game! Yeah! Here's a raid that is as bad as datacrons!" Just tiresome ridiculous garbage.
WE shouldn't have to make 10-20 attempts to get a decent score because the RNG SUCKS so badly. Plus, if the command droid gets down to just him, and worse if droideka is there, he'll just keep wiping buffs every other turn (yes, literally every other turn), the droideka will get healed up, and you are SOL because they get stuck in a loop of stupidity, heal, buff cleanse, roll up, heal, buff cleanse, ad nauseum. Let alone that the whole group heals 50% of their health every other turn so even if you get the whole wave down to red, they just take a couple turns and "boom" all healed back up. You add in jedi that are absolutely worthless and squishy at the same time. (Oh and your AI loves to go after Kit Fisto, but I'm sure that's just a "coincidence" right? Totally.)
This might work "fine" with your 16-18 mil GP maxed out test account, but it sucks for players that don't want to spend 4 hours trying to hit it four times. The old fashioned pit took an hour at most years ago. The tank raid was maybe 40 minutes. CPIT after it was updated to take that time sync out was less than an hour. Sith raid, 18 minutes-ish. Even endor was most teams going full auto and you're done in 20 minutes.
Congratulations on making yet another part of the game that people DON'T want to play.