9 years ago
New Player - Char suggestions and Luke?
747-713-862 HR Puffin Stuff
Hey all, new player for a couple weeks and loving this game. Big SW franchise fan, played SWTOR for a few years now. I should hit lv 58 tomorrow.
I started with the base group of toons and I have been thinking of retiring Luke. He is currently 4* with lv7 gear. Should i continue to progress him and if not who should I look at to replace his damage?
Here is my current line up and I would certainly appreciate and suggestions or advice.
Most of these toons are in the lv 53 - 57 range except fro the toons referred to below as " assortment of other toons "
Qui Gon 4* lv 7 gear
Luminara 5* lv 7 gear
Luke 4* lv 7 gear
Jedi Consul 4* lv 7 gear
Chewy 4* lv 6 gear ( dont see him staying )
Ackbar - just working him up
Leia - just working her up
Darth Sid lv 6 gear
Vader lv 6 gear
Royal Guard 3*
Talia 4*
Count Dooku 3* lv 6 gear
Assortment of other toons
Almost have Lando and Boba.
Still trying to wrap my head around synergies and mods
Thanks in advance
Hey all, new player for a couple weeks and loving this game. Big SW franchise fan, played SWTOR for a few years now. I should hit lv 58 tomorrow.
I started with the base group of toons and I have been thinking of retiring Luke. He is currently 4* with lv7 gear. Should i continue to progress him and if not who should I look at to replace his damage?
Here is my current line up and I would certainly appreciate and suggestions or advice.
Most of these toons are in the lv 53 - 57 range except fro the toons referred to below as " assortment of other toons "
Qui Gon 4* lv 7 gear
Luminara 5* lv 7 gear
Luke 4* lv 7 gear
Jedi Consul 4* lv 7 gear
Chewy 4* lv 6 gear ( dont see him staying )
Ackbar - just working him up
Leia - just working her up
Darth Sid lv 6 gear
Vader lv 6 gear
Royal Guard 3*
Talia 4*
Count Dooku 3* lv 6 gear
Assortment of other toons
Almost have Lando and Boba.
Still trying to wrap my head around synergies and mods
Thanks in advance