"ChristophIV;d-143593" wrote:
Is it not a little odd to have the same assault battle on consecutive weekends? Both are on the calendar and in game so it's not a mistake.
As it is one of the assault battles that rewards ship stuff, and FO Tie is in the login, do we think a ship related thing is coming up?
CLS return + Red 5 Legendary event (crewed by CLS & R2)? We kinda need Luke's X-Wing after all this time although I hope to high heaven that it's not crewed by farmboy. R2 "Fix those stabilizers" recover 40% health + gain 40% TM. Luke "use the Force" Basic: applies target lock, can't be evaded or resisted (LS counterpart to Vader's TIE, provides much needed target lock on basic attack unit to LS ships); target lock: applies daze. "Rogue Leader": Calls all Rebels to assist, buffed Rebels do 50% extra damage (synergizes well with Biggs & Wedge under Ackbar Lead).
We also need OT Falcon crewed by Raid Han, Vet Chewie (because he looks like OT Chewie), Leia, & Farmboy. Farmboy ability "I got him!" single target direct to hull damage (like Boba's seismic charge but no AOE), ignores taunt and stealth; starts on CD. RHan "Don't get cocky" gain 30% turn meter and advantage for 2 turns; auto activates after "I got him!" is used. VChewie "Angle Deflector shields" Regain 50% protection. Leia "Here they come" dispels stealth from all enemies, inflicts offense and tenacity down on all crafts dispelled.