9 years ago
Practice mode suggestion...
I know that many of us have voiced a desire for some sort of practice mode or grudge match mode where we can battle against our guildmate's squads. I have never heard a dev comment as to whether this could be a possibility.
I'm sure their concern is that people will just have too much fun in practice mode and would neglect other aspects of the game. That is understandable. That's where my suggestion comes into play. Make us earn points to fight practice matches. What came to my mind is everytime you win an arena battle you get a practice point. These points are used to start a battle against a guild mate's squad. It doesn't even need to be a 1-1 ratio. Maybe it requires 3 arena wins to fight one practice battle. This would further promote crystal refreshes in arena and also give players something that many of us have asked for.
I'm sure their concern is that people will just have too much fun in practice mode and would neglect other aspects of the game. That is understandable. That's where my suggestion comes into play. Make us earn points to fight practice matches. What came to my mind is everytime you win an arena battle you get a practice point. These points are used to start a battle against a guild mate's squad. It doesn't even need to be a 1-1 ratio. Maybe it requires 3 arena wins to fight one practice battle. This would further promote crystal refreshes in arena and also give players something that many of us have asked for.