Forum Discussion

ZetaShooter88's avatar
7 years ago

Pretty Impressed Honestly

Gotta say I'm impressed with with devs/yhis game latly. Been acouple hiccups but all in all pretty good job latly. I don't recall getting this much notice on CLS or even other legendary toons before and we all knew along time ago really who the requirements where. TW is awesome best new content yet imo. All kinds of love for DS and about time. All kinds of other stuff and more coming. Great job! Keeping me happy. Whiners always whine but latly I think this game is getting even greater.
  • "Unlimitedpowar;c-1380116" wrote:
    I can’t undestand one think how can more than 50 people in posts been in top20 of arena it’s really funny :——

    Because there are hundreds of arena servers. You only compete against a small fraction of people that signed up the same time you did.

  • "DatBoi;c-1380037" wrote:
    The toons required for CLS were farmable for a year, not two weekd

  • "Unlimitedpowar;c-1380116" wrote:
    I can’t undestand one think how can more than 50 people in posts been in top20 of arena it’s really funny :——

    You get paid out during your local time. And there's 39 Local times in use, but let's just assume that only 24 are supported. There's potentially 24 different payouts a day, and Leaderboards fill up to a maximum of 20,000 players. There's easily thousands of players of players out there in top 20 of THEIR arena leaderboard.
  • "B0untryHR7;c-1380043" wrote:
    Let me ask you something, how much money do you spend on monthly basis. I'm f2p and I try to put my self in your shoes and understand you, I wonder if you ever bother to put yourself in a low spender- f2p player...

    Do you realize that even if we knew for a fact that the vets were the requirement from a year ago, they didn't become farmable until recently. Do you understand that there's no possible way for a f2p to get them in time? Unless you arr finising top 3 in arena every single day, which by default is a tough task for a f2p.

    I am definitely interested in knowing how much you spend. I'm not gonna judge you, if you feel uncomfortable saying in gen chat, you can message me the number.

    I spent before but that was a long time ago. Have spent 0 in the past few months. I'm getting 500 crystals daily from Arena 1st, 400 crystals daily from Fleet Arena 1st, and an average of 100 extra crystals daily from dailies+gw+daily log in. Hoarded 999+120+45 cantina energy for the double drop event previously and got 62 veterans shards. Subsequently 5 cantina refreshes daily on veterans, and now both are at 22/100 to 7*. Adding in the cost of 3 normal refreshes, I'm still netting a positive crystal income of 1000-850=150 crystals. Daily. So yes, it is possible for F2P to get the veterans in time.
    Easy? No.
    Possible? Yes.