Forum Discussion

pirkkis78's avatar
9 years ago

Raids and character star levels

With the introduction of new character with wide range of abilities and reworking of old ones, we have a lot of characters that are viable in several areas of the game without fully starred. Maybe it's time to remove star rating for raid participation (at least for normal raids).
While I do realize that one way of making money is to put new characters behind the paywall, I'm also sure that if those same characters would be made usable in more aspects of the game that would make a lot more people invest money in the game. This would probably mean more money in the long run. Not to mention it would make game more enjoyable when people could experiment with different kind of group combinations and play the groups they want.
There would still be room for whales that have access to highest star levels, mods etc.

My two cents, regards.

6 Replies

  • +1 I agree the star limitation should be removed from Raids. I bought the Rouge One pack 2 months ago and have had no way to finish those characters. I have them geared up but cannot use them in raids, very frustrating.
  • In the long run that means less money, why would people pay to rush and 7* toons if they don't need them to be.

    With them releasing new toons to basically everyone(low star), the only exclusivity is for those who want to use them in all areas of the game(right now, which means 7*).

    It's not just the paywall but it's usefulness. Before the low star era, people payed because the toons were not useful below 6*, in arena. Now they have changed that, and raids are the last bastion of exclusive activity. So if you make a 3* toon as "useful" as a 7* toon in all areas of the game, what's the point of 7*, and more so why pay for it now...
  • Of course I don't have anything to back my opinion about more money in the long run statement. But let's use Warriors youtube video about unlocking TIE reaper back, he said it would be about 200 bucks to 7 star the ships.
    Let's say that there's 1000 whales willing to put out that kind of money for the ships, but at the same time there's 10000 F2P players that like the game and want those ships and decide to buy enough crystals to buy 1 back ($20), that alone is approx even income for the company.
    I'm fairly sure that people would still spend money to rush their characters to 7*, that's just the nature of humans, there are always ones that want to get the competitive edge over others.

  • Firstly 200, is on the low side considering the low shard count.

    And most f2p wouldn't drop 20, because they don't want to pay for something they will get for free later....

    The real thing is informed decisions are the bane of this business type. They want people who will gamble on packs to spend money until they get something. F2p tend to not be these people and if they try to cater to them they will lose money. It's the same reason we see less packs where there is a fixed output for a certain cost.
  • Another idea: If not completely remove the requirements for different normal raid tier levels, atleast change it from stars alone to power. Way I understand the power level works is that for low level chars you have to have higher gear/mod levels (comparatively).

    For example T6 raid accessible for power of 6k+, T5 5k etc. This would still require investment in ones favorite characters but would make it more accessible.

    Note that this is only aimed at normal raids, I'm fine with heroic raids being behind the grind etc, thus making heroic raiding more of a reward in itself

  • Either remove the star requirement or give me a way to finish these characters.