9 years ago
Real PVP
This game really needs a mode where players can pvp (arena is not pvp, you play against bots!). Even though arena is fun and has its pros, there is not a real option of playing against other players at the same time. Currently it feels like you can run out of things to do after getting to the top rank in arena and completing all the other daily activities and challenges, etc. A mode where you can search for players, or even battle your friends would be really fun! Obviously a mode like this with rewards would be amazing, but honestly it would not even need rewards, just a way to continually battle with your team against other players who are actually making their own decisions. Arena is quite fun, but it loses its satisfaction after awhile when you get first place and you realize the only reason that is, is because the bots pretty much made some bad moves in game which led to it (it feels like the bots let me win for free sometimes lol). So a pvp mode where players can search for randoms of the same skill level would be ideal, and would also make the matches more exciting when you start because the characters the opponents use would be anonymous and you do not know whats coming!