9 years ago
Regarding XP
From all sources I currently have access towards (I'm 38), it's 1 XP per Energy spent. I've been playing since Sunday and have used crystals to refresh Energy until it hits 200 (and a few times at 200), and done the 100 cantina energy refresh every day. Yet the top Arena player, who presumably is in there because he started around the same time as I did, is 44. I've completed all daily activities as well, so how can there be so *massive* of a gap? I get a gap of a level or two, after all if he's spending crystals at the same rate as I am, he's getting an extra 300 per day to throw around, so it only makes sense. However we're not talking about a level or two. Realistically, that's over 6k energy, and if he's spending 200-400 crystals per 100 energy, that's 10k crystals or more paid to gain that edge, which is roughly $20 per day. Is that what it takes to be competitive, like top 5 competitive, or am I missing an XP source somewhere, or what?