\"VirtraThrad;c-1472641\" wrote:\"Nokhai;c-1472508\" wrote:
Awww!!How nice!Another OP toon available only for the p2p guys (like always).Man,this game is like 90% p2p! :/ A f2p doesn't stand a chance nowadays as he has to farm n toons,tons and tons of gear for them and for mods in the same time.
Rex lead. F2p people can farm him. Rex will allow you to compete. He's a highly effective cleanse and source of tenacity to resist all those sion debuffs. It's not the end of the world.
\"Boba_The_Fetter;c-1472419\" wrote:
Sith meta for a few months then the return of the Jedi Luke :)
\"DoomeyEyes;c-1472776\" wrote:\"VirtraThrad;c-1472641\" wrote:\"Nokhai;c-1472508\" wrote:
Awww!!How nice!Another OP toon available only for the p2p guys (like always).Man,this game is like 90% p2p! :/ A f2p doesn't stand a chance nowadays as he has to farm n toons,tons and tons of gear for them and for mods in the same time.
Rex lead. F2p people can farm him. Rex will allow you to compete. He's a highly effective cleanse and source of tenacity to resist all those sion debuffs. It's not the end of the world.
Rex will be surprisingly weak against Darth Kia... err Scion... Vader will go first, them Rex will cleanse, then Scion will clear Tenacity up and bring the pain. It'll be raining Sith for days... can't wait.
\"EricsonX;c-1472810\" wrote:\"Boba_The_Fetter;c-1472419\" wrote:
Sith meta for a few months then the return of the Jedi Luke :)
As long as you don't need to jump through hoops to get him.
\"SnakesOnAPlane;c-1472523\" wrote:
Who keeps deleting them? LOL
\"exec79;c-1472619\" wrote:\"Xerrath;c-1472552\" wrote:
Just beware the next massive carbanti farm is about to hit us. Would be thrilled if they had the new character using gear that we are not completely starved on to begin with
550 each for sure