9 years ago
Rogue One Characters Future
I have a few suggestions I'd like to share of how the Rogue One toons should be obtainable:
Guild Shipments IMO because that's where the good toons seem to go.
Jyn Erso
I think Jyn Erso should be in the shard shop, cost as much as GG, and be exclusive there like how Grevious was. Jyn being a hard farm from here on out is pretty fair IMO seeing how good she is.
Cassain Andor
I'm thinking not right now, but maybe late spring/early summer, Cassain should be in fleet shipments! Why? Simply because he has his own U-Wing so putting him there would make perfect sense.
Easy decision here - GW Shipments. He needs to be the easiest farm since Android got him for free. I'm an Android players myself saying this.
Chirrut Imwe w/ Baze
I'd say put Chirrut in Chromiums for now. Once Baze becomes farmable, Chirrut should too. As to where they go, I think a premium store such as Guild Shipments would make sense. If not, a stage 8 Cantina node.
Guild Shipments IMO because that's where the good toons seem to go.
Jyn Erso
I think Jyn Erso should be in the shard shop, cost as much as GG, and be exclusive there like how Grevious was. Jyn being a hard farm from here on out is pretty fair IMO seeing how good she is.
Cassain Andor
I'm thinking not right now, but maybe late spring/early summer, Cassain should be in fleet shipments! Why? Simply because he has his own U-Wing so putting him there would make perfect sense.
Easy decision here - GW Shipments. He needs to be the easiest farm since Android got him for free. I'm an Android players myself saying this.
Chirrut Imwe w/ Baze
I'd say put Chirrut in Chromiums for now. Once Baze becomes farmable, Chirrut should too. As to where they go, I think a premium store such as Guild Shipments would make sense. If not, a stage 8 Cantina node.