9 years ago
Ship battles far too swingy
It's something I've been having an issue with for a while, but today I finally got the perfect case to illustrate it.
I battled someone with a very similar team to my own (fleet power about the same, very similar ships, slightly different allocation of credits, but overall very similar):
Home One flagship
Vader TIE
We used slightly different reinforcements (he used regular tie fighter, clone sargeant and GS, I use Sun Fac, Bistan and GS), but they are hardly even important to the illustration.
First battle he got a very early target lock on me (his Biggs went first and critted). He also took out my Vader before it got a turn, and from there on I got roflstomped. After about 4 rounds I finally managed to take out his Biggs (which kept regaining taunt, and got shield/health regens from H1 and JC), but not before Ahsoka and my own Biggs were dead. That was pretty much GG.
Second battle, he didn't get an early target lock and I did. My Biggs critted and I got the early target lock. I roflstomped his Vader and his Ahsoka soon followed. From there I just kept my own Biggs alive and taunting, and played my way to a flawless victory.
The entire battle turned upon who got an early target lock, which with most toons, including Biggs, is complete RNG (especially given the added problem of his taunt randomly bugging out). There is no skill, and no fun. And more often than not, battles are simply decided this way. At least in squad battles you can complain that it's all about speed, but there's a clear something you can look at and try to adjust around. Ships have no versatility (there aren't enough ships to tailor your lineup to deal with a specific tactic) and are entirely RNG based (unless you completely outclass your opponent, or vice versa). It's just plain silly.
I battled someone with a very similar team to my own (fleet power about the same, very similar ships, slightly different allocation of credits, but overall very similar):
Home One flagship
Vader TIE
We used slightly different reinforcements (he used regular tie fighter, clone sargeant and GS, I use Sun Fac, Bistan and GS), but they are hardly even important to the illustration.
First battle he got a very early target lock on me (his Biggs went first and critted). He also took out my Vader before it got a turn, and from there on I got roflstomped. After about 4 rounds I finally managed to take out his Biggs (which kept regaining taunt, and got shield/health regens from H1 and JC), but not before Ahsoka and my own Biggs were dead. That was pretty much GG.
Second battle, he didn't get an early target lock and I did. My Biggs critted and I got the early target lock. I roflstomped his Vader and his Ahsoka soon followed. From there I just kept my own Biggs alive and taunting, and played my way to a flawless victory.
The entire battle turned upon who got an early target lock, which with most toons, including Biggs, is complete RNG (especially given the added problem of his taunt randomly bugging out). There is no skill, and no fun. And more often than not, battles are simply decided this way. At least in squad battles you can complain that it's all about speed, but there's a clear something you can look at and try to adjust around. Ships have no versatility (there aren't enough ships to tailor your lineup to deal with a specific tactic) and are entirely RNG based (unless you completely outclass your opponent, or vice versa). It's just plain silly.