9 years ago
Ship Raid
Death Star Raid
P1: Defeat GMT and Darth Vader and the TIE squadrons!
Capital Ship: Same as Executrix but with
Reinforce: Send in 3 TIE Fighters
TIE Fighter: Same as Normal TIE fighters
TIE Advanced: Same as Normal TIE Advanced
P2: The Death Star's First Lines of Defences must be destroyed!
3 AntiShip Batteries must be destroyed. In Addition, GMT will continue to summon TIE Fighters
Antiship Battery
Rapid Burst: Deals Physical Damage to Target Ship and remove 10%TM
Executrix has gained
Concentrate Fire: All Batteries gain 50%TM and must attack a certain target
P3: We must buy time for The Falcon!
From now on, The only action the Capital Ship can do is summon Reinforcements. They also gain
Rally: All Units gain 10%TM
For every turn that the Falcon takes, this phase loses X%HP. The Falcon cannot attack, but is given free
Face off 6 TIE Fighters, as well as 2 Antiship Batteries in the Trench. GMT will continue to summon additional fighters
P4: Palpatine has ordered all Empire forces to hold the line at all costs! Vader and Boba Fett has returned!
Defeat Boba Fett and Darth Vader as well as 4 TIE fighters and 2 Antiship Batteries. GMT will continue to summon more fighters
Thats all you have to do.
P1: Defeat GMT and Darth Vader and the TIE squadrons!
Capital Ship: Same as Executrix but with
Reinforce: Send in 3 TIE Fighters
TIE Fighter: Same as Normal TIE fighters
TIE Advanced: Same as Normal TIE Advanced
P2: The Death Star's First Lines of Defences must be destroyed!
3 AntiShip Batteries must be destroyed. In Addition, GMT will continue to summon TIE Fighters
Antiship Battery
Rapid Burst: Deals Physical Damage to Target Ship and remove 10%TM
Executrix has gained
Concentrate Fire: All Batteries gain 50%TM and must attack a certain target
P3: We must buy time for The Falcon!
From now on, The only action the Capital Ship can do is summon Reinforcements. They also gain
Rally: All Units gain 10%TM
For every turn that the Falcon takes, this phase loses X%HP. The Falcon cannot attack, but is given free
Face off 6 TIE Fighters, as well as 2 Antiship Batteries in the Trench. GMT will continue to summon additional fighters
P4: Palpatine has ordered all Empire forces to hold the line at all costs! Vader and Boba Fett has returned!
Defeat Boba Fett and Darth Vader as well as 4 TIE fighters and 2 Antiship Batteries. GMT will continue to summon more fighters
Thats all you have to do.