"Take_a_Bite;93634" wrote:
Sith assassin has based speed of 151. Close to jawa engineer's base speed. Just like jawa engineer sith assassin has a speed up (under Darth maul lead) which leads to 1.25 times speed for first turn.
Under the maul lead, sith starts with stealth, but this expires at the beginning of the turn and turns to advantage. So using dark shroud would net all sith allies 36% turn meter if sith assassin goes first. Thoughts on how to capatalize on the droid like start that sith now have?
Also since Sith assassin gives herself stealth, is this overrided by maul's lead stealth on a dodge which would prevent sith assassin from having stealth on her turn?
I brought this up in a thread yesterday but no one seemed to talk about it. I had forgotten about Advantage after stealth ends though, so thats really 36% TM (I was only expecting 24% TM). I was thinking:
Zaul, DN, SA, SiT, and EP. You need SiT to protect them, and the other sith will be very hard to hit hard thanks to the evasion bonus and stealth also giving them crit immunity. SA doesn't quite have the same effect that JE has though because JE is much faster than all of the other droids and Jawas, whereas Sith Assassin is being sped up by the same amount the other sith are to start off with, and Dooku and Sid are still faster than she is (167 and 161 respectively). I think she would be extremely good for getting your slower sith (Namely Nihilus and EP) to go early and start controlling the match. She can stun as well with stealth (synergy with Mauls lead) and grants foresight to herself (20% TM on evade with Maul lead) and she can inflict evasion down with her basic to help counter other Maul led teams and she can gain stealth from her basic (critical immunity from stealth under maul lead) as well as offense up.
EP and Zaul will control TM for the other team with Shock and Daze, EP and SA will be able to stun, SiT will soak up damage and apply defense down and offense down to inflict more debuffs to synergize with SA and DN. DN can dispel, increase enemy cooldowns and if you can protect him long enough he will be able to take out your enemy tanks with ease.
Looks like a great team to me.
Not sure how the stealth would work, the leader ability stealth may override her own stealth just like Teebo's does. Either way she's probably going to have stealth almost every turn she takes. I wonder if they can make it so that it won't "re-stealth" already stealthed characters like they did with already taunting characters when they evade, but then wouldn't they have already fixed teebo now too? But this just means you're definitely going to want Sith Trooper in there to absorb damage.