3 years ago
Someone needs to explain math to me
A while back before my Exec was viable, I used to climb with Malevolence. Performance depended largely on the assist frequency of vultures and at some point I felt like it went form pretty dependable to largely unreliable, specifically I noticed a large amount of 0 assist rounds with 2+ vultures out. Also in other situations where Mal used to be quite reliable.
Given that the base probability afaik is 70% we're talking about roughly 10% probability of 0 assists here and I feel like I've seen way to many of that. But then there's perception bias...
And then there's profundity. 20% assist probability, unless I'm misreading something? And I'm seeing way too many rounds with multiple assists. (4% for 2 assists, 0.8% for 3...), which is quite of noticable as RC alpha is pretty much make or break for the Exec counter.
So, is my math flawed, cant CG do math or are they sneakily tuning those probabilities to more desired outcomes for hooking whales?
Given that the base probability afaik is 70% we're talking about roughly 10% probability of 0 assists here and I feel like I've seen way to many of that. But then there's perception bias...
And then there's profundity. 20% assist probability, unless I'm misreading something? And I'm seeing way too many rounds with multiple assists. (4% for 2 assists, 0.8% for 3...), which is quite of noticable as RC alpha is pretty much make or break for the Exec counter.
So, is my math flawed, cant CG do math or are they sneakily tuning those probabilities to more desired outcomes for hooking whales?