8 years ago
Special Dmg + healthsteal = protection recovery! New game mechanic?!?
Doesn't seem like a game breaking change...or even one that would make a huge difference, but one of my guild members had this idea (playa1) and i thought it was so great it deserved to have a thread on forums so yall can give the love or hate it deserves.
Of top of my head...palpatine came to mind...regenerating protection (if leader) then krennic and qgj...too many to think of so im asking for some help in kicking the idea around.
Maybe it will gain traction, or go down in the analls of hated ideas brought up here...
Of top of my head...palpatine came to mind...regenerating protection (if leader) then krennic and qgj...too many to think of so im asking for some help in kicking the idea around.
Maybe it will gain traction, or go down in the analls of hated ideas brought up here...