Forum Discussion

GridanWWL's avatar
8 years ago

Speed secondaries

I've been in the game since Nov of 15 so I'm not new to the game at all. I've been through the horrendous droid Poe meta, the weird key cards, the outreygeousness and so on so forth. The game is never perfect and I'm TOTALLY ok with that. I love it anyway. I've seen the game change because of the feedback we offer, so, I have faith in that system.

This is one more genuine post for feedback. I know the meta is speed now. Makes sense in a turn meter game. I'm okay with that. And honestly I don't mind it because with the addition of more powerful characters and zetas and synergies... the game has expanded a lot. I think that's great.

What has really bothered me lately is how high the speed secondaries are. I ran into a gentlemen who has a speed secondary of +22. TWENTY-TWO. My speed arrow mod has +30 on a primary. In what universe does that make sense to have a secondary that's just as high as a primary? Not to mention all of his other mods (and everyone else in the top 10 for that matter) have +17, +14, +19 all on secondaries. Speed secondaries are fine but is there any possible way to at least make the secondaries a bit more reasonable and acceptable?