9 years ago
Squad Favorites
This suggestion could really be for anywhere, but it seemed most applicable here.
I would like to save a few "favorite" squads that can be quickly arranged. This is an extension of the Clear Squad button.
For example, my strategy with GW each days is a certain team, not my best, but with stuns and bonus attacks to help get through the levels quickly. That gets me, usually, through the first 8 or so levels. Then I have my A team for the really hard purple levels or the last two nodes. I also have a droid team, my B team, for certain difficult levels. Then I have my follow up team, for when the last node is too difficult for my A and B team alone.
I wish I could set up at least 5 teams that I could switch to with just a button press, rather than having to find each individual in the list each time.
This would also be helpful for raids, cantina, light/dark, and the awful squad tournament events.
I would like to save a few "favorite" squads that can be quickly arranged. This is an extension of the Clear Squad button.
For example, my strategy with GW each days is a certain team, not my best, but with stuns and bonus attacks to help get through the levels quickly. That gets me, usually, through the first 8 or so levels. Then I have my A team for the really hard purple levels or the last two nodes. I also have a droid team, my B team, for certain difficult levels. Then I have my follow up team, for when the last node is too difficult for my A and B team alone.
I wish I could set up at least 5 teams that I could switch to with just a button press, rather than having to find each individual in the list each time.
This would also be helpful for raids, cantina, light/dark, and the awful squad tournament events.