9 years ago
Suggestion for future tournament...Bracket style
As anyone who read the notes, CG agreed the tournament did not work. They wanted to reward powerful rosters, but it didn't work that way.
How about this idea:
Tournaments are divided into brackets
You are placed into a bracket based on top 5 character power (but there will be many seeds of maybe 1000 people each)
Bracket 1- 20-24.9k
Bracket 2- 25-29.9
Bracket 3- 30-34.9
You enter the bracket, for LIVE PvP with matchmaking
You are placed against someone with a similar win/loss record (everyone starting at 0 win each tournament)
You can see the entire roster of player, and he can see your roster
You both have 1 minute to chose a team (but you cannot know what team they chose until battle start). THIS IS WHAT PROMOTES AND REWARDS A LARGE ROSTER
Battles use a 7 second move timer, after 7 seconds it's as if you clicked auto for that move (or 10 seconds but this is to prevent griefing)
As you win your win record goes up, and you are placed against opponents with similar win records
You only have a certain number of battles (let's say 20)
Rewards for the tournament are based on your win/loss record
A perfect 20 wins gives you the top prizes, and the rewards go down per win
How about this idea:
Tournaments are divided into brackets
You are placed into a bracket based on top 5 character power (but there will be many seeds of maybe 1000 people each)
Bracket 1- 20-24.9k
Bracket 2- 25-29.9
Bracket 3- 30-34.9
You enter the bracket, for LIVE PvP with matchmaking
You are placed against someone with a similar win/loss record (everyone starting at 0 win each tournament)
You can see the entire roster of player, and he can see your roster
You both have 1 minute to chose a team (but you cannot know what team they chose until battle start). THIS IS WHAT PROMOTES AND REWARDS A LARGE ROSTER
Battles use a 7 second move timer, after 7 seconds it's as if you clicked auto for that move (or 10 seconds but this is to prevent griefing)
As you win your win record goes up, and you are placed against opponents with similar win records
You only have a certain number of battles (let's say 20)
Rewards for the tournament are based on your win/loss record
A perfect 20 wins gives you the top prizes, and the rewards go down per win