9 years ago
Suggestion: Rework Stormtrooper after the movie's character
In the wave of all the "rework him and her", here's my take:
Rework Stormtrooper after how he is in the movie:
Empire soldier that can swarm the battlefield and surprise enemies with an occasional hit.
Basic attack - Imperial Markmanship
(*) Good as in: Raid loot has a good chance to drop a full piece.
Special attack - Call reinforcements
Unique ability - Carpet of Stormtroopers
Unique ability - Box-office
Rework Stormtrooper after how he is in the movie:
Empire soldier that can swarm the battlefield and surprise enemies with an occasional hit.
Basic attack - Imperial Markmanship
- Fires blasters in the general direction of the enemy. This attack has a good(*) chance to hit an enemy.
- with Omega: upgrade to a great chance.
(*) Good as in: Raid loot has a good chance to drop a full piece.
Special attack - Call reinforcements
- Stormtrooper calls 5 other Stormtroopers as reinforcements. For each Empire ally, each Stormtrooper has a 50% chance of becoming Exposed, and a 20% chance to gain the debuff "Friendly fire". All Stormtroopers immediately fire their basic attack.
Unique ability - Carpet of Stormtroopers
- When a Stormtrooper takes damage, all other ally Stormtroopers take double damage. If a Stormtrooper is defeated, another random Stormtrooper gets defeated too.
Unique ability - Box-office
- Each time Stormtrooper is defeated, gain 1 million credits.