23 days agoSeasoned Hotshot
Territory Battle Concept: 'Rise of the First Order'
To celebrate the 10th anniversary of 'Star Wars- Episode VII: The Force Awakens'.
All planets will have both Light Side and Dark Side missions, just like the centre path in 'Rise of the Empire'
Zone 1:
- Jakku
- Takodana
Zone 2:
- D'qar
- Starkiller Base
Zone 3:
- Cantonica
- Ahch-To
Zone 4:
- Crait
- Kijimi
Zone 5:
- Pasaana
- Kef Bir
Zone 6:
- Ajan Kloss
- Exegol
Hero Units:
- Rey
- Supreme Leader Kylo Ren
- Jedi Master Luke Skywalker
- Sith Eternal Emperor
- Veteran Smuggler Han Solo
- Veteran Smuggler Chewbacca
- BB-8
- Finn
- Poe Dameron
- Rose Tico
- Zorii Bliss
- Ben Solo
- Captain Phasma
- General Hux
- Kylo Ren
- Kylo Ren (Unmasked)
- Rey (Dark Side Vision)
- General Leia Organa
- Snoke
- Maz Kanata