Forum Discussion

NmE_insane's avatar
9 years ago

The Force Awakens $99 bundle. Worth it?

Hey all,

So I decided to buy the bundle because I love Star Wars, I love the new movie, and because I, surprising really love this game and play a lot. However, I was wondering what others opinions were on the bundle.

So far, I'm not sure if I see it as worth it, because it doesn't feel like the characters you get (Fin & Kylo Ren) are better than the other 3-star/4-star heroes I have. Maybe not 'better' but they feel the same as my other characters. I've already gotten them to level 40 and have their gear level to 4-5. I'm not really 'regretting' my purchase, but if what I said is true, that there's not much of a reason to have bought it based on usefulness, then I guess I do. Just don't want to feel like I get ripped off with generic characters.

Any advice? Thoughts?

Thanks :smile:
  • It kinda depends on whether you want the crystals or not. If not then it's a definite no. If you do want the crystals then you have to bear in mind all the characters are relatively easy to farm.

    I'm already up to 19 crystals on Kylo Ren just after a few days, and not really trying a whole lot either.

    In addition you also need to bear in mind recent changes to other characters last week and you need to also consider the risk of the same thing happening...

    If you considering the money in the pack as an investment, then a definite NO. If you just want to save time but are prepare to adapt to any changes to those characters, good or very bad then by all means...

    Hope that helps...

    Heed the old adage
    "Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me"

  • I mainly bought the pack to show my support for the game and hope it will still continue to grow. So I guess that's what makes it worth it for me...
  • If its Rey, I'd buy it since she seems to be the one that's much harder to get. But Ren, no thanks.
  • I find these package deals to be over priced for a app game if they made them $30-50 I can see people buying but $100 nope just can't see it even if you are a star wars fanatic.
  • I feel they are missing an opportunity to have a secondary bundle for much less, with one or two characters. I love this game, but for a casual player, $100 is a lot. I would prefer them to launch packs in "tiers" where you can have more affordable packs for casual, on the go players, and hardcore packs for those looking to invest.
  • "Toxziq;18840" wrote:
    I feel they are missing an opportunity to have a secondary bundle for much less, with one or two characters. I love this game, but for a casual player, $100 is a lot. I would prefer them to launch packs in "tiers" where you can have more affordable packs for casual, on the go players, and hardcore packs for those looking to invest.

    It seems almost ridiculous they aren't releasing cheaper packs. I'm not a f2p player by any means, but $100 is asinine in my opinion. I bought the Dooku pack and I've spent $20 or so on Chromium for refreshes. I'd be more than happy to buy a decent pack for $20, but EA isn't even giving us that option.
  • Maybe we'll see a new pack on Thursday. (Thursday seems to be the day most mobile games update.)
    As for the current one, not even tempted. If it had Rey in it, maybe. They really want me to buy it though.. the "limited time" countdown timer has been stuck on 6 days and some number of hours for several days now. :)
  • "Qeltar;17646" wrote:
    It's simple to answer: how patient are you? If you are patient, you can get pretty much all of that stuff in a couple of weeks. If you aren't and want them now, buy the pack.

    Takes longer than a couple of weeks, but you are correct. All things are available in time.