Short answer, no. They added cron mats, that's their idea of an updated game mode. There needs to be a couple more reward tiers added based on GP. Our guild is double the max reward GP so we get the same rewards as a guild half our power, seems fair 🙄. At this point, I'd be happy with new backgrounds to the battle field lol. Match making is pretty on par, it's the sandbaggers that ruin the algorithm. Plus, if you lose 2 in a row, you get a free one so you should never be losing 3 in a row. If you do, that's a guild issue. You get matched with far inferior guild to break the losing streak. The timezone issue is also a guild issue. You have to take that into account when letting people join. If you want to do better in TW, the coordination is critical in guilds with multiple timezones. If that seems to be the issue with your success, there's really only 2 options, coordinate better, or start booting and replacing people with more convenient timezones.