My Rex and Sarge have the 5* speed arrows, I often can ruin ST Han teams by Rex basic reduc followed by sarges special. It's kinda weird for my share cause I'm the only one with more than Rex or 5555 in the top 200... I don't get to play with droid teams that much but I've heard my guys win on defence vs them quite often when I leave Rex in on defence. I encourage you to max your sarge, hits like a truck and TM gains, mid ground tanky too honestly. If you have any other questions about clones ask either me or @Darth_Jay77, were the most outspoken clone users I've seen around the server. In earlier response my Cody isn't maxed but Jays is and that's why mine isn't, until he gets a buff he's not viable in arena. With mods and full gear Rey can one shot him on turn 1