"Atlas1;849530" wrote:
"Nauros;849528" wrote:
Droideka as a low damage support/tank? You gotta be kidding...
Well, let's give them high damage, high protection, low HP, suppress Zeta abilities and call them OP. I was going for SOME balance.
"Some balance"...the devs definitely don't care about balance with all the OP rebels they released lol. Make him have a 20k AOE basic attack and he'll still be balanced in the meta today. Arena has been FLOODED with the same rebel teams for months, and chaze just made it SO much worse.
"Vertigo322;849561" wrote:
I don't care what his abilities would be, I just want droideka in the game period. Looking at how the last handful of toons have suffered from the power creep and become **** strong, I have faith this droid would be just as OP yet very fun to use. Hopefully a tad bit easier to obtain than the others.
I also really want a droideka, very low HP but high protection (like 45k max) and high damage.
"MadMalgusReturns;849534" wrote:
Not a good idea. Just give more factions characters with zetas. Kylo could use a rework and zeta, droids could use a zeta, tuskens, drop Mother Talzin and give her a zeta, bounty hunters could use another zeta, etc. =
I want a Grievous rework with a new leader ability, something that beats HK. I like this idea for a rework (specifically my comment on it): https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/5mvezx/general_grievous_zetarework_ideas/