9 years ago
Why do ships rock back and forth like they are boats in the water?
I know we call them 'ships' and, we put a few of them together and we call them a 'fleet', but they are not actually on water.
If you have not noticed this yet, start a fleet battle and just watch. All of the ships are gently bobbing up and down, swaying back and forth. You can imagine that they all are resting on water. Even the camera rocks from side to side. I don't think I would like totally static, and I don't know what kind of animation I would replace it with, but an actual 'ship' animation seems an odd choice for space.
Not that it really matters, but I felt compelled to point this out.... just because.
If you have not noticed this yet, start a fleet battle and just watch. All of the ships are gently bobbing up and down, swaying back and forth. You can imagine that they all are resting on water. Even the camera rocks from side to side. I don't think I would like totally static, and I don't know what kind of animation I would replace it with, but an actual 'ship' animation seems an odd choice for space.
Not that it really matters, but I felt compelled to point this out.... just because.