Forum Discussion

Floptooth's avatar
5 years ago

Yay, another 15 Skywalker shards!

See you all in two weeks for another 15 !
  • I wonder what you‘re complaining about...
    My GAS is 7*,G13,R7 - and a beast in arena.
    God Mode essentially.

    And I‘m not a whale. Far from it.
  • Pulsipher's avatar
    Seasoned Traveler
    "JacenRoe;c-2006738" wrote:
    "StarSon;c-2006721" wrote:

    G$ or GSky.


  • Pulsipher's avatar
    Seasoned Traveler
    "JacenRoe;c-2006755" wrote:
    "SoylentGreen;c-2006749" wrote:
    I wonder what you‘re complaining about... My GAS is 7*,G13,R7 - and a beast in arena.
    God Mode essentially.

    Congratulations. I’m of the opinion that if you worked hard/planned ahead/spent money on all of the characters needed to unlock him, and you farmed/bought all the gear/relics he needed, then that should be enough. Doing all that and then being rewarded with a 5 month farm sucks. Also having to never spend any of a specific type of currency every again to hoard it for twice yearly events also sucks.

    I’m in favor of brutal event requirements to encourage spending. I’m totally fine with adding characters to the GET store to compete with gear for how you spend GET. I just hate Malak and G$ events adding a farm/hoard requirement instead of giving people what they worked/paid for already. It’s not fun.

    They are not working on another EC apparently, but I almost wish they would. If they gave us another right away no one would have bank. That’s how you alleviate hoarding- give us stuff to spend on. Then there is a big oppportunity cost to hoarding at least- not having the existing characters. A lot of “hoarders” didn’t have anything to buy.
  • I don’t remember them releasing Geo Soldier. He was already I. The game if I’m not mistaking. GAS on the other hand, I do remember them releasing him
  • "JaggedJ;c-2006805" wrote:
    I always get things second time around (except Falcon because I don't care about ships). Since GAS was released I tagged all the required toons, and have been gearing them, and hoarding GET/crystals (which makes the gearing part quite tedious).

    It's made the game feel incredibly stale, and I'm still not even sure if I'll be able to get everything ready in time.

    If I don't get him I'll probably cut my losses and move on, but even if I do get him the game is on a path that I'm not too keen on walking much longer regardless.

    Same. Been slowly slowly slowly grinding to get the required toons for jkr. Won't be surprised if I don't get him the next time he comes around. Same for dr. Haven't even bothered to grind away on those toons. And you know what? Don't really care either. I've been playing this game since January 2016. Deleted it several times and come back. Each time I care less and less.

  • This x1000. Totally remember finally getting vader at 7* and feeling like a champ.

    Yep it was definitely a great feeling ... other games do this and I think it’s the best way to approach a legacy character

  • "StarSon;c-2006721" wrote:

    False, from here on out General Skywalker will officially be shortened to UP as was decided in the Super Secret Whale Discord