You should be able to 5* QGJ before the end of the event, and Aayla. Just buy the 100 crystal cantina refreshes and spend them on Aayla's node. Buy QGJ shards with the credits. You'll also get further on 2 of the better Jedi.
Plo Koon is not great (he's not bad either), but he has a pretty good ship. Very versatile taunt.
@KeatonRen12 You should be able to get Mace to 5* quite easily with Arena credit. You're probably going to have to refresh Cantina quite a lot for IGD, he has a rather expensive node, and 65 shards is still a fair grind. You'd need slightly under 10 shards a day, and at 33% droprate, that's an average of 30 sims, or 480 energy per day. Of course, he has 2 hard nodes and the guild store, so you can reduce that quite a bit, but you'll still need refreshes.