8 years ago
Zaul lead is OP, please adapt other lead about speed
Zaul is the only lead that gives percentage speed gain at start.
The zeta lead of Maul would be balanced if mods were not present, but this gives a 25% increase of speed on start which is insane when most high level arena toon are at around 230 speed. Sith Assassin could easily be at 270 base speed hence 324 effective. Then she would give 36% TM to all Sith. So basically, all Siths in Zaul team are at 324 speed.
I know players dislike nerf (legitimately). However, please buff other lead based on speed (QGJ, Lando, AA especially). Or just a please consider adapting Zaul lead with a flat speed increase on first turn.
I will invest In Zaul anyway, but just to let you know if you have to ask about which Zeta to invest, Zaul is clearly better.
The zeta lead of Maul would be balanced if mods were not present, but this gives a 25% increase of speed on start which is insane when most high level arena toon are at around 230 speed. Sith Assassin could easily be at 270 base speed hence 324 effective. Then she would give 36% TM to all Sith. So basically, all Siths in Zaul team are at 324 speed.
I know players dislike nerf (legitimately). However, please buff other lead based on speed (QGJ, Lando, AA especially). Or just a please consider adapting Zaul lead with a flat speed increase on first turn.
I will invest In Zaul anyway, but just to let you know if you have to ask about which Zeta to invest, Zaul is clearly better.