I am on 10K+ Fleet Arena Tokens.
Got all Wedge - Biggs - Jedi Consular - Tie fighter - Ahsoka - Geonosian ships on almost 7*
Slave - Rex on almost 6* and Bistan on 6* atm.
Sorting Sun Fac, for Executrix challange it's not gonna take long, but need 1 more Dark Side ship.
Got Scimitar on 40/50 but will need 40 more shards for it, and it just never ever shows up. 10 more Scimitars on Shipments can easily take months if it goes like this. (Rng?)
Just spending Fleet Arena tokens for Scimitar (and Slave 1) if they ever show up.
I feel like I'm missing something important. (I'm already extremely late, need 40 Zetas asap Vader/Maul both G11, 7* for ages) Open to all suggestions at this time.
(Working on Geonosian Spy, both the character and ship from scratch, is an option too but it's probably too late for that)
PS: Full time F2P but been on top 1-2-3 of Arena for the last 2-3 months and gathered around 5k+ Crystals after the expenses, but I hate the odds on Ship Packages, so not very interested in buying them just for a slight chance of Scimitar.