"CronozNL;814214" wrote:
weeeeeeh I can't get first place weeeeeh
Stop playing bye
Or better: stop expecting to win everything or respect the players that went for zeta's.
It's fair since you have the same oppertunity.
By this logic you want modded teams on 1 shard as well and unmodded on a different shard.
With 5000 players in a shard, not everyone is able to place 1st -_-'
"CronozNL;814214" wrote:
weeeeeeh I can't get first place weeeeeh
Stop playing bye
Or better: stop expecting to win everything or respect the players that went for zeta's.
It's fair since you have the same oppertunity.
By this logic you want modded teams on 1 shard as well and unmodded on a different shard.
With 5000 players in a shard, not everyone is able to place 1st -_-'
Not what im saying, does someone else keep getting bad squads and a hard shard? Ahhhhhh you'll place 1000th someday and thats not my point, all this game is whoever has spent the most and has bought or grinded the best mods so basically eithier spend money or finish last!! Or wait as f2p a lifetime to get in the top #10 and then after hitting that intially 100th spot squad match ups are so bad then you drop 200 places and guess what the majority of squads are still the same and then on alot of unbeatable squads all of a sudden a zeta team pops up but guess what you only dropped 200 places and the game decides i know i will give that player a chance! Eat zeta fool, a zeta team not even fully geared but hitting for 10k plus a hit i used a decent squad and more power better mods and only took ani out so before you start ripping into players that just want to enjoy the game, state some problems and post it on the forums so devs can see and people can comment and share opnions after spending so much time and money on it seems right to me.