In one of my accounts I started off exactly the same as you did. Here is what I recommend:
The main problem with the last few suggestions is that it leaves you all over the place. If you farm Bastila, Ezra, Kanan, Ahsoka and Anakin, the only legendary you can get is Yoda. For Thrawn and Palpatine, you only have two of the required characters; and for Revan, you only have one. I'm not saying that Yoda isn't good. He's amazing. But you'll soon be outmatched in mid game (lv.70+) using only Bastila lead Jedi.
Hence your priority should be to get all four of them (Revan, Palp, Thrawn, and Yoda) as soon as possible.
Let me list out the requirements:
Revan: Bastila, Jolee, T3-M4, Mission Vao, Zaalbar
Thrawn: Hera, Ezra, Kanan, Zeb, Chopper
Palpatine: Any five Rebels (note that all Phoenix are rebels)
Yoda: Any five Jedi (note that Revan, Bastila, Jolee, Ezra, and Kanan are all Jedi)
So by just farming for the first two, you'll already be able to get Yoda and Palpatine.
All you need are 10 toons for 4 legendaries.
Early game: Concentrate on Phoenix because this gets you Thrawn and Palp. You'll need both.
Cantina: Ezra and Hera.
Cantina Store: Chopper.
Galactic War store: Zeb.
Squad Arena store: Kanan.
Hard node farm: Sabine unlocked for her ship (I see you have already done that, great job), and Bastila
You should be able to get Thrawn and Palpatine to seven stars by level 80. Here is the link for a guide Dretzle wrote for the Thrawn event (look at the comments as well, I added some important tips):
Mid game (lv.70+):
For mods, remember to look at the online guides. It's easily the most important.
For ships, aim for the following: Ackbar lead; Ghost, Vader, Biggs starting; Phantom, Ahsoka and Ebon Hawk reinforce. When you get Chimera; replace Ackbar with it; when you get Hound's Tooth, put him on starting and let Biggs reinforce.
After you finish the early game farms (7 star), go for these:
Cantina: Mission, T3-M4. Carth when you finish them.
Cantina Store: Ahsoka
Galactic War store: Biggs and his ship
Squad Arena Store: Ackbar
Hard Node farm (including ship battles): Jolee, Zaalbar. Ebon Hawk when you finish them.
When you get to level 85, the Revan and Chimera events should be open. Now you can finally get Revan, Yoda, and the Chimera all at once! 4 legendaries, plus the Chimera, all in no more than 4 months.