5 years ago
BSF loses protection when Wat uses basic to cleanse ferocity
My team consists of DR lead, BSF, Malak, Wat and Thrawn. As the title suggests, on Wat's turn, sometimes I am forced to use his basic to cleanse ferocity from BSF, Malak or DR. I don't notice anything when i use it on Malak since he has no protection anyway, but when Wat uses it on BSF, her protection always reduces. I have been reading all their leadership abilities and uniques but I can't find anything to explain it.
My opponent is GL Rey, H.Finn, H.Poe, Finn, Holdo, but even when the only one left alive was H.Finn, it still happens, and at that point in time, the only abilities active should be GLRey leadership, H.Finn unique, and lifeblood since the rest are dead.
Can anyone help to explain this?
My opponent is GL Rey, H.Finn, H.Poe, Finn, Holdo, but even when the only one left alive was H.Finn, it still happens, and at that point in time, the only abilities active should be GLRey leadership, H.Finn unique, and lifeblood since the rest are dead.
Can anyone help to explain this?