"DarkHelmet1138;c-1572338" wrote:
You may want to put vaders tie in the starting lineup. I would keep botht ties. That gives yiu three ships that can tl. Try and get as many ships tl as possible but at least a two or three. Call fett in for your first reinforcement and use his aoe. This is equivalent to four or five attacks depending on how many tl ships. Fett also tanks for you. If you can get fetts other special off it should also weaken the enemy a lot too. Either either way it should help you chip away at them. If you can take out the weak ones after that and gain an advantage. If not, it should weaken them enough to have Tarkin's ultimate finish them off. This strategy still works in arena so it should work here too.
Thank you I will keep that in mind. I don't have the credits to lvl up slave one atm.
My starting lineup is Vader, tfp and fo tfp. Reinforcements are geo soldier and maul.
I have silencer on the bench and sometimes I try that ship instead of one of the other reinforcements.
The skills of the executrix are maxed out but that swarm does too little damage because the opponents ships are too good.
I never destroyed more than one ship in the whole battle, that means with the damage from ships and the ultimate combined.
Although all of my pilots are at least gear 8, have mods on them and most of them are well skilled.
This challenge is simply imbalanced.