"Nox_Eternal666;d-222157" wrote:
Hello people...
I've been wondering....how are the GW battles chosen? What's taken into account?
I've read about the power of 5 top toons...is it correct?
So far, I've been focusing on Phoenix Squad, and haven't lost a single GW completion (16 in a row by now)
I don't think it's luck, neither I am an experienced player (which means I am still figuring out how to proper fight and use abilities)
Now...I've reached level 60, and I don't know if I can star investing in pilots (for fleet arena). I don't want to compromise my run (wanna clear 50 wins asap)
Its your TOP 5 in "Stat Power" for the Account. Not quite the same as "Galactic Power".
Its an old statistic from Pre-Omegas/Zetas days.
I say this just to warn you that around L72-84 your fights will be much harder.
The reason behind that is as people unlock Omegas (76) & Zetas (82) then the characters will be more powerful that those w/o them & you will start running into teams w/ MUCH higher GP than you but the same SP because they added Omegas/Zetas.
To answer your other questions.
Start investing in a 2nd/3rd team with Synergy.
Phoenix is awesome in GWar but they will come across teams they can't beat & you'll want to be able to have some Empire, Jedi, Bounty Hunters, First Order, Nightsister, etc etc to also throw at the enemies.
As for Pilots. KYLO UNMASKED!!! Farm him NOW & don't stop till he's 7*
That ship/pilot combo is the fastest farm for a ship in the game & getting it out there right at L60 with maxed stars is huge for maintaining 1st place in Fleet Arena.
Other things to consider.
To unlock 5*-7* ships you will need 5 ships of both Dark & Light Sides.
Since you have Phoenix already, make Ghost & Phantom a priority in Fleet Coins as you get them.
But also buy up the Vader/Boba ships every chance you get since they are rare & both useful characters too.
So the question comes down to what 5 LS/DS ships to farm.
DS you want up early so you can unlock the Fleet Ability Mats challenge & get farming Zetas.
So Kylo + Silencer is #1
Vader & Boba Fett also work but it will be a LONG time to farm them.
Alternate options are the 3 Geo Ships mentioned above &/or the Imperial & First Order TIE Fighters.
Finally there are the other 3 BH ships that you will want for the Falcon but will also be SLOW farms.
I didn't go bugs, but, If I had to do it over again, I'd probably look into Kylo, the 3 Bugs, & Imperial TIE for 5.
I was waiting quite a long while for Vader/Boba to get to 5*.
For the LS ships, focus on the 2 Phoenix Ships & Biggs. Other options are Wedge, Jedi Consular's Fighter, & Clone Sgt ARC-170
The key is making sure you get 5 of each DS/LS up to unlock those ships & challenges.