5 years ago
First Order ships mechanic change
Hi, the following is based on matches involvoing full R7 max mods FO and GR fleets. Up to 48 hours ago the finalizer was a consistant counter to the negociator, with the first order ships doing enough damage to work around the UL mechanic and managing to take out anakins's starfighter pretty fast at the beginging of the match. Since the last update the damage of the fist order ships has significantly increased whith the opening shot from the Tie Silencer bringing anakin's starfighter to below 50% thus altering the match mechanic and triggering UL earlier than needed. Even with mods taken off the pilots, the damage is now so consistent that the same outcome will happen every time. The entire FO comunity is reporting the same issue when battling the negociator since 48h ago.
Can you confirm CG has changed the stats of the FO ships the same way they did with the geonosian fleet.
Can you confirm CG has changed the stats of the FO ships the same way they did with the geonosian fleet.