Forum Discussion

uzsibox's avatar
6 years ago

Help a sith brother out.

Hey guys. Starting out i have to say i dont have palp because i despise phoenix squad. Started with sidius lead then nihilus howering in top 500 arena and now i spent my first two zetas on vaders leadership and sidius. I got rank 199 today and hit a brick wall of bastille palp and bounty hunters. Bh were always a problem for me. Palp is a coinflip matchup depends if my team gets stunned or not. Bastille lead ridiclusly hard counters me with tenacity buffs. So what do i do now? Was thinking of farming sassasin and strooper to replace nihilus and dokuu. Or do izeta nihilus and farm sion? My guild just started doing hrancor so traya is way off i can get palp faster. Also speed is a huge problem for me do i replace my mods? Any help from a fellow sith be appriciated. 2 zetas took me around 6 months, do i save up or maybe spend on dokuu or maul?
Also im set on farming revan next year, so 75% of my daily energy goes to that.