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Nutellathehut's avatar
6 years ago

How Fallen Anakin will (most likely) be released

First off, I would just like to say, Happy New Year, Holotable Heroes! It’s been a pretty fun time, farming Ewoks incessantly to try and get Threepio for the General Skywalker event (I failed) and watching The Rise of Skywalker in theaters (twice!)

Now then, on to business. This is another kit idea post, but it’s not just for Fallen Anakin (who, for this kit idea, have decided to call him Darth Vader (Knightfall)), but also for his Sith master, Lord Sidious. Together, these two will compose a new faction, the Galactic Empire faction, which will also include the Clone Shock Trooper and the reworked Royal Guard. I don’t have kits for those guys, but these are predictions.

I’ve figured out the recent pattern in paywall characters, specifically concerning the Epic Confrontation characters, who seem to be placed into their own separate factions that don’t really work well with other factions (Darth Malak and the Sith Empire, General Skywalker and the 501st). And so, I believe that since Malak will only truly work in a Darth Revan line-up rather than plain Sith, and General Skywalker will only truly work if his entire squad is composed of 501st rather than Galactic Republic or Jedi, Knightfall Vader will likely only be able to work in his own squad. Not Sith. Not Empire. But Sidious’s Galactic Empire.

I came up with these two kits for this specific time because Season 7 of the Clone Wars is heading our way in the next month or so, and is supposed to encompass the end of that era (or so I’ve heard). With that, it should be an easy transition to Revenge of the Sith, when Anakin falls to the dark side and becomes Darth Vader. Now, you’re probably wondering why I think another version of Anakin/Vader will be released at this point or another, since we already have Jedi Knight Anakin, Darth Vader, and General Skywalker. Well:

1. It’s an easy way for Capital Games to make some good money, since it’s a famous character
2. We have yet to gain a legendary/journey/confrontation event pertaining to Revenge of the Sith
3. There are 5 different variants of Han Solo in the game, there’s no excuse not to put a 4th Anakin in

Here’s my prediction: up until we get Clone Wars Season 7, we’ll get a whole bunch of Sequel Trilogy love, including new characters like Jannah and Zorri Bliss as well as other characters that should have been in the game already, such as Hermit Luke and Supreme Leader Snoke. Let’s also not forget about the new Galactic Legends, Rey and Kylo Ren, who will likely bring about the end of this particular period of increased sequel cadence. Then, around the time when Clone Wars hits, we’ll be getting several Galactic Republic Jedi characters/reworks such as Mace Windu, Kit Fisto, Agen Kolar, Saesee Tiin, etc. Then, some of these Jedi will be put into a new faction, the Jedi Council faction, which will be required for a legendary event called Chancellor’s Arrest, in which Lord Sidious, the future leader of the Galactic Empire faction, will be unlocked initially at 5 stars, with subsequent tiers allowing for higher star unlocks.

Lord Sidious will wield one lightsaber rather than his dual-wielding Clone Wars counterpart and his non-wielding Original Trilogy counterpart, and will have a very dark red robe rather than a black or bright red one. His kit will be similar to that of Padme’s in that he will allow his Galactic Empire allies to gain a stacking buff that will allow them a sort of Protection Steal kind of deal. However, his allies will not be allowed to attack out of turn or be countered, so turn meter gain will be a big deal for this team. I also put in a very powerful special ability with a unique mechanic. You’ll see here:


Lord Sidious

Dark Side, Sith, Support, Leader, Galactic Empire

Resolute Sith master who turns his enemies against each other

Basic: Forceful Stab

Gain Defense Penetration Up for 1 turn, then deal Special damage to target enemy. This attack deals 30% more damage to Light Side enemies. If the target had any Protection, Sidious recovers health equal to the damage dealt.

Special 1: Execute Order 66 (cooldown: 4)

Dispel all buffs on target enemy and inflict Armor Shred on them. This attack inflicts an additional Armor Shred and Exposes the target for 2 turns if they are a Jedi. Then, all other enemies attack target enemy using their Basic ability, dealing 50% more damage if they are Clones. This attack can’t be evaded or resisted.

Special 2: Thunderous Applause (cooldown: 5)

Deal Special damage to all enemies and Stun them for 1 turn. Galactic Republic and Jedi enemies take damage an additional time and are Shocked for 3 turns. For each debuffed enemy, Sidious gains 10% Max Protection (stacking) and 5% Max Health (stacking) for the rest of the encounter.

Leader: Might of the Empire (ZETA)

Dark Side allies have +50% Max Protection, and during a dark side ally’s turn, enemies are immune to healing and equalization effects and cannot gain buffs or inflict debuffs.

At the start of each Galactic Empire ally’s turn, they lose 25% Protection and gain 1 stack of Power for the rest of the encounter, which can’t be copied, prevented, or dispelled (stacking, max 5 stacks). Power becomes Might at max stacks.

Power: When this character uses an ability, for each stack of Power, deal bonus damage equal to 5% of this character’s Max Protection, which can’t be evaded, and recover Protection equal to the damage dealt.

Might: When this character uses and ability, deal bonus damage equal to 40% of this character’s Max Protection, which can’t be evaded, and recover Protection equal to the damage dealt. When defeated, revive at 50% Health and Protection, which can’t be prevented. Characters who are revived this way cannot be revived this way again.

Unique: Dark Lord of the Sith (ZETA)

Sidious gains Might at the start of the encounter, and Stealths for 2 turns whenever he is critically hit. While Stealthed, Sidious is immune to enemy dispels and ignores Protection with all of his attacks. Allies cannot attack out of turn or be countered.

As you can see here, this character may seem like an unstoppable force already, but in truth, he’s only the start of one. You can see how using Shaak Ti or General Skywalker, teams that fully utilize Clones, may prove detrimental. The zeta on his leadership can also stop Geonosian teams in their tracks, along with preventing Darth Malak from inflicting Fear on Sidious’s team upon critically hitting him. This can also be capable of defeating Jedi teams such as Bastila and Revan with the anti-Jedi synergies. However, the true strength of the Galactic Empire team lies with Knightfall Vader.

Sometime after Lord Sidious is introduced to the game, after the Royal Guard is reworked, the Shock Trooper is brought in, and a few other units are added to the faction, Darth Vader (Knightfall) will make his debut in either a Hero’s Fall or an Epic Confrontation. I believe that, just to mess with us, Capital Games will make this another Epic Confrontation, seeing as all the paywall characters can be put to use in those. Lord Sidious will likely be a required character, along with a few key Clones (perhaps a reworked Commander Cody) and an epic 1v1 duel between Jedi Master Obi-Wan (a character I attempted to come up with a kit for once upon a time, an idea that was STOLEN by Ki-Adi Mundi!) and Knightfall Vader. Jedi Master Obi-Wan might also be unlocked through a legendary event similar to that of Chancellor’s Arrest called Order 66, in which your Clone team takes out several different famous Clone Wars Jedi throughout the different tiers.

Knightfall Vader was a fun character to come up with a kit for. I used every aspect of his turn to the dark side to create certain mechanics for him. On the battlefield, he focuses his attacks on a single target, preferring to take out his enemies one by one rather than spam AoEs across the battlefield like his former self, Jedi Knight Anakin. For increased focus, he can Choke an enemy and use the bonuses from his other abilities to take them down faster. All the while, his progression through the dark side is shown as Fear leads to Anger, and Anger leads to Hate, and Hate leads to suffering...


Darth Vader (Knightfall)

Dark Side, Attacker, Sith, Galactic Empire

Power-hungry Sith Attacker who grows stronger with the dark side while inflicting undispellable debuffs

Basic: Voracious Lunge

Deal Physical damage to target enemy and attack again. This attack ignores defense. If the target is Choking, attack a third time.

Special 1: Vicious Chokehold (cooldown: 4)

Deal Physical damage to target enemy, Remove all buffs from them and empty their turn meter. Then, they are Choked until expiration, which can’t be copied or dispelled.

Choke on characters: Speed set to 0, can’t use abilities, gain buffs or bonus turn meter, heal or equalize, or take a turn. At the end of each turn, take bonus damage equal to 10% of Max Protection. Choke expires when this bonus damage is triggered 10 times.

Choke on raid bosses: -50% Speed, Counter Chance, and Tenacity. At the end of each turn, take bonus damage equal to 100% of Vader’s Max Protection. Choke expires when this bonus damage is triggered 15 times.

Special 2: Vaulting Smite (cooldown: 4) (ZETA)

Deal Physical damage to target enemy and Stun them for 2 turns, which can’t be copied or dispelled. If the target was Choking, deal double damage.

Unique 1: Fallen Jedi (ZETA)

Darth Vader has +50% Health Steal, and his attacks can’t be evaded or resisted. In addition, he gains 25% turn meter whenever he scores a Critical Hit, which can’t be prevented. At the start of the encounter, if all allies are Galactic Empire, he also has +30 Speed, +40% Critical Damage, and +50% Critical Chance.

Unique 2: Dark Path (ZETA)

Darth Vader cannot be revived by Might. At the start of the encounter, Vader is inflicted with Fear for 1 turn, which can’t be evaded or resisted. When this Fear expires, Vader dispels all debuffs on himself, resets his cooldowns, and takes a bonus turn. He also gains Anger for the rest of the encounter, which can’t be copied, prevented, or dispelled. When Vader falls below 100% Health, Anger is upgraded to Hate. When he falls below 50% Health, Hate is upgraded to Suffering. The first time he reaches each of these thresholds, he takes a bonus turn. Vader cannot fall below more than one of these thresholds at a time, and cannot be defeated until he gains Suffering. In addition, Vader’s counterattacks cannot be prevented.

Fear: miss the next turn, can’t use abilities, and can’t evade. Increase cooldowns by 1 and Fear expires on taking damage from an attack.

Anger: +100% Counter Chance and immune to Daze, Stun, and Fear.

Hate: +100% Counter Chance and immune to Daze, Stun, and Fear. Health Steal and Critical Chance stats are doubled and Basic attacks inflict Healing Immunity and Buff Immunity for 2 turns (can’t be copied, resisted or dispelled).

Suffering: +100% Counter Chance and immune to Daze, Stun, and Fear. Health Steal, Critical Chance, Speed, and Critical Damage stats are doubled, Basic attacks inflict Healing Immunity and Buff Immunity for 2 turns (can’t be copied, resisted or dispelled), and Vader gains bonus Offense equal to 10% of his Max Protection.

When Darth Vader is defeated, he immediately summons Lord Vader into his slot.

Unique 3: Lord Vader

Basic: Nightmarish Swing
Deal Physical damage to target enemy and inflict Ability Block for 1 turn, which can’t be copied, resisted, or dispelled.
Special: Crushing Grip (cooldown: 3)
Deal Physical damage to all enemies and inflict Damage Over Time for 2 turns. Target enemy is Choked until expiration. This attack can’t be resisted.
Unique 1: Suffer as I Have
Lord Vader can’t be evaded and dispels all buffs on affected enemies whenever he uses an ability. While Lord Vader is alive, enemies gain an additional Damage Over Time effect at the end of each turn if they already had at least one, which can’t be resisted. All enemies have -5 Speed for each Damage Over Time effect on them. Vader gains 10% turn meter whenever he inflicts a debuff.
Unique 2: Summoned
This unit’s stacks scale with the summoner’s stats. This unit can only be summoned if there is an available slot. This unit can’t be revived. If an effect counts defeated units, this unit doesn’t count. A unit cannot be revived if this summoned unit exists in their slot. Unlike other summoned units, this unit CAN be summoned in raids and will NOT escape the battle when there are no other allied combatants.

I believe this kit perfectly represents Anakin’s journey through the dark side, especially with the summoned Lord Vader unit. As for appearances, I’m not exactly sure how Knightfall Vader’s appearance would differ from that of Jedi Knight Anakin, other than maybe the use of a dark brown robe, maybe a hood, definitely some yellow eyes. Lord Vader is pretty much just Vader in the black suit after his defeat on Mustafar. But yeah, if you’re wondering why all of this is overpowered, it’s because Capital Games is looking for the perfect reason to create a paywall: an unstoppable duo of master and apprentice. So don’t tell me that this thing looks too overpowered or that this makes Revan look like a youngling with a stick, because this is exactly the intention Capital Games is going for: to make every other team look obsolete. Thanks for taking a look at this, and hopefully, it was interesting.

5 Replies

  • I didnt read it all. I just hope he will be released one day..
  • He probably won't be released at all since they already gave us a version of Anakin as a big event and explicitly stated they were done with Clone Wars content for the foreseeable future.
  • "Alfa_Landwalker;c-2040982" wrote:
    We have 3 Anakins now
    Let's have us Jedi Luke first please, before we'll get a 4th Anakin

    (Disagrees in Han)

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