4 years ago
How has JML not been buffed yet?
Agree with me or not JML is by far and away the worst GL. In light of the upcoming changes to GAS and JKL how has CG not buffed him!?.
1. He hits like a wet noodle
2. He works a lot better when JKR is his lead, but is meant to be a GL?
3. He requires 4 x powerful Jedi to be effective, that pulls from three other possible team leads.
4. Pretty sure he will lose every 1v1 against the other GLs.
5. His ultimate is ridiculously slow to activate, plus he has to be in the leader slot where he sucks.
But in their infinite wisdom CG thought that Rey needed to be able to smite teams faster and SEE needed a buff.
As I mentioned his ultimate is terrible and slow to charge, but unlike the others his sucks once you get it…..how can it take so long and yet be so terrible once you get it!?. Reys is frustratingly awesome, SEEs is epic, Kylos is great and JMK is out of control good….then there’s the old man that ignites his light Sabre and dispels debuffs and increases offense by a whopping 35%…if anyone is left and if you can get it complete before the battle is over.
You’ve given JMK an Insta kill with CAT 5 seconds into a battle and then the high ground five seconds later….followed by another one or two ultimates in a battle, but JML is lucky to pull an ultimate out before the end of a battle.
If CG is going to make a clear divide between GLs and non-GLs they are going to have to take a hard look at the mess they have created with JMK and CAT. They claim they want a diverse meta, but their current actions/incompetence imply the exact opposite.
1. He hits like a wet noodle
2. He works a lot better when JKR is his lead, but is meant to be a GL?
3. He requires 4 x powerful Jedi to be effective, that pulls from three other possible team leads.
4. Pretty sure he will lose every 1v1 against the other GLs.
5. His ultimate is ridiculously slow to activate, plus he has to be in the leader slot where he sucks.
But in their infinite wisdom CG thought that Rey needed to be able to smite teams faster and SEE needed a buff.
As I mentioned his ultimate is terrible and slow to charge, but unlike the others his sucks once you get it…..how can it take so long and yet be so terrible once you get it!?. Reys is frustratingly awesome, SEEs is epic, Kylos is great and JMK is out of control good….then there’s the old man that ignites his light Sabre and dispels debuffs and increases offense by a whopping 35%…if anyone is left and if you can get it complete before the battle is over.
You’ve given JMK an Insta kill with CAT 5 seconds into a battle and then the high ground five seconds later….followed by another one or two ultimates in a battle, but JML is lucky to pull an ultimate out before the end of a battle.
If CG is going to make a clear divide between GLs and non-GLs they are going to have to take a hard look at the mess they have created with JMK and CAT. They claim they want a diverse meta, but their current actions/incompetence imply the exact opposite.