4 years ago
It has been really long and not fun at all but...
In 55 LS Tokens I finally get Rey after about 4 and a half months of hard farming.
The thought of doing it 3 more timess makes that uninstall button quite attractive....
What did ya'll do?
Jumping right back into SLKR I just can't do again so I figured I'll slow farm the two I'm missing and grab GAS first since I skipped over him to boost SE and snatch Rey.
Honestly that grind is just so fun sapping I think I'ma avoid doing it the same way.
The thought of doing it 3 more timess makes that uninstall button quite attractive....
What did ya'll do?
Jumping right back into SLKR I just can't do again so I figured I'll slow farm the two I'm missing and grab GAS first since I skipped over him to boost SE and snatch Rey.
Honestly that grind is just so fun sapping I think I'ma avoid doing it the same way.