5 years ago
Looking for advice on where to go
Hi there, I have been playing this game since the end of December and I am really enjoying it. However I am not sure what I should be farming currently for characters and ships.
I started with the Phoenix squad. I have a couple at 7* and the rest are on the way. Not sure when I am supposed to make the switch to empire for arena and what nodes I should be farming. I have been farming a multitude of characters and not sure what I should be focused on.
I also am completely unsure of what ships I should be farming once I get there(currently level 57). I would like to get a decent ranking in arena as a f2p player for the extra crystal
I will be grateful and appreciative of any advice given. Thank You!
Edit: Forgot my swgoh profile https://swgoh.gg/p/767131273/
I started with the Phoenix squad. I have a couple at 7* and the rest are on the way. Not sure when I am supposed to make the switch to empire for arena and what nodes I should be farming. I have been farming a multitude of characters and not sure what I should be focused on.
I also am completely unsure of what ships I should be farming once I get there(currently level 57). I would like to get a decent ranking in arena as a f2p player for the extra crystal
I will be grateful and appreciative of any advice given. Thank You!
Edit: Forgot my swgoh profile https://swgoh.gg/p/767131273/