Forum Discussion

Nihion's avatar
5 years ago

My First Questionnaire of All Things MODS

I’m gonna be honest, this probably isn’t my first thread with mod questions, but whatever.

I’ve never really understood mods, so here are all my questions. Keep in my mind that I just got to Clash on Kamino part 2, and this is the first time that I’ve really felt like I need to understand mods in order to beat an event. My Ahsoka needs more gear, but I should be able to do it with mod knowledge and my best mods. So here we go:

10 Replies

  • Question One: When looking at a character stats, there are two numbers. One in white, and a blue one in parentheses. Are the parentheses numbers already factored in? If so, then my character speeds aren’t anywhere near where they need to be.
  • Question 2: How do loadouts work, and is there a way I can create loadouts without scrambling all of my mods or taking them all off?
  • Question C: Should I not use the game suggestions for mods? And if I shouldn’t, is there a list of squads and preferred mods per character?
  • Welcome in the beatifull world of mods.

    1: the white number is the actual stat that your char got including the mod stats. the blue one is just the mod bonus. white-blue= base stat wihout mods
    2: a loadout is just a set of mods, that u can quickly equip to a char. if you wanna give a char a good set for an event/raid/whatever u can quickly change em without searching for the ebst mods everytime. go to the loadout menu and there u can save the actual equipped set of a char or click on "create new loadout". u dont need to take mods of for that to save the loadout.
    3: DONT use the ingame suggestion. its so bad... there are some discord bots that can suggest you mods or you can check this.

    There are just some things to know about mods that will make u much better and the rest will come by time.

    there are 3 types of modstats that every mod got: Setbonus where u need to put 2 or 4 mods of the same set to get the bonus. Primary stat and 4 secondary stats.

    Speed is the most important modstat. you want your mods to be as fast as possible.
    you want to level your mods with speed in secondary and u want to buy the mods in store with good speeds.

    i usually start with my highest priority chars, sort the mods by speed and filter the primary stat and the sets i want and start equipping.

    usually u want your attackers with offense or crit dmg set, crit dmg or offense primary on the triangle mod and offense primary on the cross. but also dont forget the speed ;)
    tanks u want.. tanky. get helath, prot and armor bonus but again dont forget about the speed.
    Supporter and healer u can make em tanky and give em potency if they rely on landing debuffs.
    on your arrow mod u want nearly everytime speed primary. the +30 speed are just pretty nice.

    This is also a good tool for mods. There are some tutorials on YouTube how to use it if you struggle at start.
  • I found mod loudouts useful for these type of events.

    Example is my droideka has my best offense set but I wanted ahsoka to have the set for the event. I saved both of their loudouts before switching the mods over. To save their current loadout, click create loadout from (picture of toon)

  • Wow, thank you both for all of the information, it is much appreciated. I’ll start working on loadouts and speed, as my highest speed is somewhere in the 240 range, which evidently is very slow
  • "Doni12;c-2222736" wrote:
    My advice is usually just look at the kit, look at some gameplay, see what you think the character needs, and their place in the team, and go from there. If you can’t find anything too special, generally just speed

    I'd think Ahsoka's offense is more important as she assists enough
  • crzydroid's avatar
    Hero (Retired)
    5 years ago
    It sounds like you might have mods on basic view. Get off of that then switch to advanced view. And yes, you can create loadouts without actually moving the mods off to so so. Just make sure the "only use unequipped mods" box is not checked if you want to use equipped mods in the loadout.

    As for the numbers not seeming correct--I'm not precisely sure what you mean, but one thing you may not know is that set bonuses, as well as any percent-based mod stats, do not compound off of other mods. They only factor in the stats before mods and equipped gear pieces (that is, great pieces you've put on but haven't baked into the stats by upgrading to the next gear level). So for example, if you have a speed set, and you also have a speed primary arrow worth 32 and secondaries worth 68 for a total of 100 speed from mods, the speed set doesn't give you an extra 10 for that. It just gives 10% of the speed before mods. If you had the two g12+ pieces worth 6 speed each but are still at g12, you don't get the extra 1.2 from that until you upgrade to g13.

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