6 years ago
Need help after a long break
So I just came back after probably a year long break and I want to get back into the game. I just unlocked Chewie and CLS this week end and I'm really wondering where to go now, I rank about 1500th in arena since I'm on a really old shard so I go against all these gear 12 teams with 6+ zetas and sometimes relics. I don't really have a specific goal I just want to get a good team for the good factions and unlock theythe new characters. I'm in a guild that occasionally does heroic rancor and tank raids but no heroic sith raid.
I'm currently farming:
Cantina: Kylo Ren unmasked, currently 4* but I can promote him to 5*
Hard nodes: a lot of characters, I buy 3 refreshes daily and usually don't have anything left for gear: Bossk, Jango Fett, Darth Sion, Shoretrooper, Darth Nihilus, Bastila Shan, normal and fallen and Jolee Bindo. I want to maybe drop some of those but I wouldn't know which one(s).
Fleet battles: Bastila, Carth and Zaalbar.
For squad arena store I'm currently farming HK 47 but don't really know who to farm in Galactic war and cantina stores, I have 130/65 Ahsoka shards but not sure whether she is worth the farm for me right now.
Any advice is appreciated but here are already some questions I have:
Next zetas, I have 73 zetas right now and I was gonna zeta Finn but I heard he's not that great anymore. CLS?
Should I bother farming Ewoks for C3PO at this point, and what would be the best team to farm if I want have a solid team after unlocking him too.
Should I go for the Revans or for Padme and General Skywalker?
I have been putting JTR on hold for now, should I focus on farming the toons needed to unlock her?
Should I be farming teams like Nightsisters, Clones, Geonosians, Imperial Troopers?
General Grievous?
Don't know what to do in ships, currently ranking around 200-300 without battling a lot, but I have no clue which ships to invest in.
Short term arena team and long term arena team?
Should I focus on gearing up certain characters to 12 right now or gear up some underdeveloped ones to 10/11?
How much work do the Phoenix need to get a 7* Thrawn?
Again, any help is greatly appreciated, even if you just answer one of these questions.
I'm currently farming:
Cantina: Kylo Ren unmasked, currently 4* but I can promote him to 5*
Hard nodes: a lot of characters, I buy 3 refreshes daily and usually don't have anything left for gear: Bossk, Jango Fett, Darth Sion, Shoretrooper, Darth Nihilus, Bastila Shan, normal and fallen and Jolee Bindo. I want to maybe drop some of those but I wouldn't know which one(s).
Fleet battles: Bastila, Carth and Zaalbar.
For squad arena store I'm currently farming HK 47 but don't really know who to farm in Galactic war and cantina stores, I have 130/65 Ahsoka shards but not sure whether she is worth the farm for me right now.
Any advice is appreciated but here are already some questions I have:
Next zetas, I have 73 zetas right now and I was gonna zeta Finn but I heard he's not that great anymore. CLS?
Should I bother farming Ewoks for C3PO at this point, and what would be the best team to farm if I want have a solid team after unlocking him too.
Should I go for the Revans or for Padme and General Skywalker?
I have been putting JTR on hold for now, should I focus on farming the toons needed to unlock her?
Should I be farming teams like Nightsisters, Clones, Geonosians, Imperial Troopers?
General Grievous?
Don't know what to do in ships, currently ranking around 200-300 without battling a lot, but I have no clue which ships to invest in.
Short term arena team and long term arena team?
Should I focus on gearing up certain characters to 12 right now or gear up some underdeveloped ones to 10/11?
How much work do the Phoenix need to get a 7* Thrawn?
Again, any help is greatly appreciated, even if you just answer one of these questions.