"Old_Ben12345;c-2114732" wrote:
@MasterSeedy Are you saying that the order after the leader spot matters? Is this just for Geos?
Team order matters in several ways. When multiple Jedi die in an AOE, JKR's Savior revives the person in slot #2, so you probably want to place Jolee there. The same logic applies to Old Daka and Zombie's revive. Or Fives' "bug" where his sacrifice isn't triggered if several clones die during the same turn and he happens to be the first. That's why he should be in the last slot, even though this scenario seems extremely unlikely. (In a GAC defense team, it might be more beneficial to swap Fives and Rex and hope that your opponent goes for the clone on the left out of habit :p ).
The attack order on a group assist is presumably also determined by their order of placement. At least plenty of people seem to be certain of this and there are YT vidoes to suggest that this is indeed the case. I think it can't hurt to adjust the team accordingly and place Sun Fac (dispel) and Soldier (tenacity down) before Poggle (ability block).
Other teams where placement order could matter are Padme and Ewoks (Ahsoka / Paploo in #2 for the dispel),
BH (Jango and Dengar last since Dengar calls an assist and Jango attacks twice if the opponent is debuffed), Nute (Dooku in #2 for his stun if he's not leading, Jango last for the double tap on debuff), and Imp Troopers (Starck second for defense down, followed by DT for stun & double tap).