6 years ago
Question on offence down with abilities that deal less damage
I have a question about how offence down reduces damage with ships such as Resistance pilot dealing less damage with assist
First of all don’t hate because I use this ship in my fleet arena at all and as a reinforcement. If I could be bothered to farm another ship I would but right now I have other priorities
Anyway, his enter battle let’s him ( or her? ) assist dealing 50% less damage. Fives comes in and grants offence down. Question is, does this stack with the offence down ( another -50% damage) to effectively deal 100% less damage, because this ship deals... 2 DAMAGE on a crit when it attacks out of turn 😩😭..
Shouldn’t for example, 10000 base damage reduce to 5000 on offence down and the assist further reduces it to 2500?
I’m wondering whether this a bug or intentional and correct. Cheers
First of all don’t hate because I use this ship in my fleet arena at all and as a reinforcement. If I could be bothered to farm another ship I would but right now I have other priorities
Anyway, his enter battle let’s him ( or her? ) assist dealing 50% less damage. Fives comes in and grants offence down. Question is, does this stack with the offence down ( another -50% damage) to effectively deal 100% less damage, because this ship deals... 2 DAMAGE on a crit when it attacks out of turn 😩😭..
Shouldn’t for example, 10000 base damage reduce to 5000 on offence down and the assist further reduces it to 2500?
I’m wondering whether this a bug or intentional and correct. Cheers