4 years ago
See best team
I’m about to unlock him despite how bad the forum and reddit says he is; I know he’s awful at raids as well but I was way closer to see than slk so oh well.
It would be nice if he got a slight buff but I don’t see that happening as it’s been 3 months, so he is what he is. That said, given that Gideon isn’t really needed, or very good with troopers, does he take this team to another level of, like not being on par with other gls, but good enough to the point that I won’t get him countered by regular ol teams like Ns and it? I’d really rather not set SE toons with him on Def
It would be nice if he got a slight buff but I don’t see that happening as it’s been 3 months, so he is what he is. That said, given that Gideon isn’t really needed, or very good with troopers, does he take this team to another level of, like not being on par with other gls, but good enough to the point that I won’t get him countered by regular ol teams like Ns and it? I’d really rather not set SE toons with him on Def