5 years ago
Ships and other stuff
I am looking for a little guidance on ship battles here. They seem to be incredibly hard, as usually the AI starts firing and takes out one of my ships in the first round.I usually go with Mace Windu's ship (2 stars, because I can't beat the challenge), Ahsoka's ship (3 stars), a Jedi Consular ship (3 stars) and a Rebellion X-Wing (3 stars). What usually happens is that the X-Wing dies first, and by first I mean without me even using it. It gets blown away in the first AI attack. By the time, I can bring in Ahsoka, the Jedi Consular's ship is already on yellow energy, and it dies shortly after. I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong or how to get the first attack.
And another question: Most tutorials on Youtube feature maxed out 85 toons with 7 stars. I have one 7 star toon (Mace Windu) and I'm on level 70 and constantly low on credits, so I can't max him or any other toons out. Does anyone know of any tutorials which are for real beginners?
Thanks in advance!
And another question: Most tutorials on Youtube feature maxed out 85 toons with 7 stars. I have one 7 star toon (Mace Windu) and I'm on level 70 and constantly low on credits, so I can't max him or any other toons out. Does anyone know of any tutorials which are for real beginners?
Thanks in advance!