Forum Discussion

sevenmelons83's avatar
9 years ago

Solution to POE dameron!!!

Make all tanks go 1st in all modes.
tanks 1st then chars depending on their speed.
  • "Count_Dook_eww;102472" wrote:
    Being a fast tank isn't the issue... It's him enabling his entire team to go first... It's such a huge advantage that it's almost impossible to beat even a generic Poe f2p team with access to all the characters.... No character should reign over the whole lineup....

    And to a slightly lesser (possibly more) degree, DPS outscales healing in a bad way...... Healing is on cool downs, and is less effective than the big damage done of these characters are putting out. And they have ability block and healing debuffs. And critical hits that hit way harder on basic attacks than heals that are on cool down....

    I didn't get poe for free, and I've refused to get him.... Because I didn't believe the hype, due to not having issues with him in arena... But as I broke into the 60s, things changed... poe teams are pushing me out of the top 50 even, teams that I know I was beating before, and outrank by over 3k power. No game should be so heavily dictated by one toon... And if you think he's not super broken, understand that statistically speaking, it would be the same results OFTEN if the opposing team had 10 characters on it, possibly more.... Most are dead, and the rest are ability blocked, and taunted to kill a difficult character to kill...

    Get QGJ and he will help you. My 6* QGJ deals with Poe quite successfully and I don't have big trouble with him anymore. However, a good support for QGJ is necessary as well.
  • I think the best way is just to remove his turn meter reduc. Thats It. Leave the tenacity and expose alone.
  • Tanks going first ruins all the strategy in this game. There are characters with low damage and utility like stun, ability block, healing debuffs. The tank that taunts first cause all those low-damage teams, that are based on skill and strategy, to be useless. It forces every player to pick the highest dps characters in the game if they want to get past the taunting character. Unless they give dispell like QGJ to 20% of the characters in game.

    The purpose of ability block, eg Darth Vader's or Luminara's is to carefully plan where to use it. Either block a tank from taunting, block an attacker or Ben from Aoe damage/debuff, block some character that wants to heal. By having tank that taunts first for 2 turns, it forces you to waste all of these on the tank to bring him down. Fast tanks will ruin utility and it won't fix the Poe problem either. Since Poe will still cause your team to go first and kill 2 enemy dps before their tank taunts.
    Poe's taunt is still superior to other tanks. Just bring his speed to the same level as other tanks and tone down the damage of some other heroes and there, game fixed.
  • "CPMP;102584" wrote:
    Tanks going first ruins all the strategy in this game. There are characters with low damage and utility like stun, ability block, healing debuffs. The tank that taunts first cause all those low-damage teams, that are based on skill and strategy, to be useless. It forces every player to pick the highest dps characters in the game if they want to get past the taunting character. Unless they give dispell like QGJ to 20% of the characters in game.

    The purpose of ability block, eg Darth Vader's or Luminara's is to carefully plan where to use it. Either block a tank from taunting, block an attacker or Ben from Aoe damage/debuff, block some character that wants to heal. By having tank that taunts first for 2 turns, it forces you to waste all of these on the tank to bring him down. Fast tanks will ruin utility and it won't fix the Poe problem either. Since Poe will still cause your team to go first and kill 2 enemy dps before their tank taunts.
    Poe's taunt is still superior to other tanks. Just bring his speed to the same level as other tanks and tone down the damage of some other heroes and there, game fixed.

    Use QGJ to remove Poe's taunt and gives offense up for your team. Turn this disadvantage to your advantage.
  • "xJazzx;102716" wrote:

    Use QGJ to remove Poe's taunt and gives offense up for your team. Turn this disadvantage to your advantage.

    This is good advice but only applies to cases where Poe is protecting a suboptimal team. If you face a really nasty Poe team, by the time you remove his taunt, you're a 'dead man walking'. The Poe/Poggle/DPS teams are pretty much unstoppable once Poe taunts, whether the taunt sticks or not.