Forum Discussion

RargDorta's avatar
New Spectator
5 years ago

Synergies with other characters

looking for any advice with my team set up. Other than Phoenix who I built up as a team to finally win a Galactic War today (massive cheer and sigh of relief) it would be good to know what to focus on putting other teams together based on current characters.
  • Since your Phoenix unlock Thrawn and EP, an obvious next step would be to complete your empire team. Vader is a must-have while there are several options for the remaining 2. You could either choose empire pilot characters or characters that share farming location / node with other characters or ships. Your empire team will unlock R2D2, which is required to unlock Commander Luke Skywalker (CLS).

    2 of your Phoenix characters are also jedi. Along with Old Ben (required for CLS) and Jolee and Bastilla (required for unlocking Jedi Revan) you have the basis for a good jedi team. Add GM Yoda, which is unlocked using jedi.
  • Here is a roadmap from swgohevents
  • "RargDorta;d-236102" wrote:
    looking for any advice with my team set up. Other than Phoenix who I built up as a team to finally win a Galactic War today (massive cheer and sigh of relief) it would be good to know what to focus on putting other teams together based on current characters.

    Early Empire almost always comes down to Palpatine, Vader, Tarkin, Thrawn, + 1-Other.

    Top choices....

    1. Snow Trooper (Free from Bronziums & used in LS-Hoth & Imp Troopers Teams)
    2. Royal Guard (Also free in Bronziums & has a Taunt which helps the other 4 stay alive & recently added to the GL-EE requirements at Relic-3 so he'll need everything you might give if you go that route.)
    3. TIE Pilot (Fast-ish farm in Cantina Node and also an early DS Pilot, his AE is super useful in the R2 event)

    Myself, I went TIE Pilot since it fit w/ the other 4 and it gave me a DS Ship early on.

    That was before the revamp to Bugs last year.

    In hindsight knowing now what I know about Bugs & how the other 2 fill up quickly from free Bronziums, I might seriously consider saving that cantina energy for 1 of the Bugs & dump the gear into Snow or Royal instead.

    The nice thing with Empire is the team basically forms itself for Free.

    If you have not farmed Kylo-U & his Silencer in Cantina yet then he should be your next choice for Fleet.
    That ship is the only one in game where you can be maxed 7* by Level 60 when you roll into fleet.
    So the closer you can get to farming him as high as possible the better.
    The fact that he's also a sick tank in a DS Squad is also very nice.
  • Well at this stage of the game my advice is to focus on building up characters that will allow you max out the daily challenges. Now within that starting framework you can tweak based on longer term goals which can vary a lot based on play style and character fandom.

    If you are a competitive minded player with a goal to be high in arena(s) I would look at the Geos. Decent squad in the early play with Brood Alpha and a strong ship synergy so serve a dual purpose. And the longer term goal there is they can unlock Padme and her galactic republic squad is one of the strongest squads a person can get to reasonable quickly.

    Now if you are more casual and more into having squads based on what you like things open up a lot. But I do advise making sure you can handle the daily challenges (including fleet) at the top level and beat the credit heist at the highest level. You need those resources.