"mnogokuh22;c-1143303" wrote:
"Berimbolo;c-1142463" wrote:
"Ramos;c-1142456" wrote:
F2P as well, got my 7* Thrawn a day ago and I am so happy I did. For the people that complained, there was a way to get the Phoenix to 7*'s (Minus Sabine, should get her done in the next day or two just depends on RNG). The way the game was going I knew I was going to save all the different currencies to get 7* Phoenix ASAP, especially after hearing the rumors of Thrawn.
Congrats, people rather just complain then figure out a plan
It's a game of choices, especially if you're F2P
I do admire the OP.
However - are you completely out of your mind? Figure out a plan rather than complain? So you mean if i get the Tuskens to 7 stars and the next legendery needs those (but are not announced 48h before the events starts) that makes me smart and all other people whinners? What is wrong with you....
How is that even comparable with getting thrawn? We all started on equal footing. With this event it was even impossible to "luck out" and already having the required characters farmed to 7 stars (without spending money). So what are you even talking about? The plan is, and still is, to be ready for whatever. If you had tokens saved up in the various stores, wich is good planning, getting a 7* thrawn wasn't any where near impossible. That's why it's better to plan ahead than complain once you realized you can't do it because you didn't plan ahead.
So no, having 7* tuskens ready isn't what he called smart. Having some tokens saved up however is the smart thing to do.
Having five 7 star separatist and sith characters ready however is something that i would consider somewhat smart. Chances of those factions being required for an unknown upcomming event are way higher than tuskens/ewoks/geonosians (mainly because there are only 4 of each ingame). Being ready isn't always just dumb luck, some players actually do plan ahead.
To be completely honest, i'm happy that i'm one of the few f2p players who was able to unlock 7* thrawn. If it was easy everyone could do it, it wouldn't be much of an accomplisment. (not because i want to be one of the few people that has a 7* thrawn, i really don't care about that)